

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Yesterday I discovered that nothing will send me into a tailspin faster than witnessing a fight in a vehicle on the road. Daddy was very upset for some reason, and mommy was digging in her heels, pushing him….all incredibly evident as observed through the back window of their black truck. Also evident, was the pain that the tiny little girl in the back was experiencing.

With each new burst of emotion spewing out of daddy like a volcano, the vehicle veered slightly on the road and tiny little hands went up to the sides of her precious little head.

Her pain was unbearable to watch. I couldn’t stand it. I had to pull off the side of the road and try to compose myself.

Do they understand that the indulgence of their temporary release of an argument in the car will leave that little girl with scars that will last a lifetime?

Pain is an energy. Once it has been released, it continues on and on and on.

It moves from the one who expresses it to those who are injured by it. Then it comes back out of them and is passed on again. And again. And again.

My hope is that eventually people will become more careful. More aware of how they vent their pain to others. My desire is to see people figure out a way to stop the cycle. I guess what I am trying to say is that it seems most human beings deal with pain with either anger…….or sadness. Fear of being seen as weak and ineffectual prevents most from expressing their sadness. So it becomes anger which is the primary emotion that we use when we are expressing our pain. I vote that instead, we all just acknowledge that when things hurt, we can be sad. We can express that pain with the tears that were given to us by the Divine FOR that purpose. Tears can heal. Anger, can not.

Humanity has convinced itself that we all must be so fearless, so indomitable. Sometimes it seems far more appropriate for us to recognize that we are vulnerable, and that to be so is okay. It is certainly better to be vulnerable than to allow our personal pain to damage others in the process of our own attempts at healing.

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