

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy Anniversary!



A simple vision I had of bringing some people I knew together has started to bear fruit.

WE BELONG each other.

I want each and every single one of you to FEEL that.

Today is an anniversary for me/us. Three years ago today, I began the process of building this network.

I thought it was a just a dream that would fizzle and fade away like clearing smoke.

But, remarkably, it hasn't.

It has grown with each concurrent step I have made to expand it. So far, I have managed with your kind assistance to bring about 400 to 500 people into visual “earshot” of what we choose to talk about.

I have spent most of the time woolgathering in this network about life and philosophy, spirituality and music. I welcome an ongoing dialog from any of you, and encourage you to stretch out with your feelings. This is the place where there is no wrong answer, no question is inappropriate to tackle. This is for us. This is for me. This is for you to connect on/in/to. So until there is more interaction, I will continue to share my experience and my life, my fascinations and my love, with you.

Happy Anniversary. Thank you for sharing your experience, your heart, your self, and your love,

with me.

Love Chiron'

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