

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Carrier Wave

Every once in a while something happens. Something seemingly insignificant on the surface, and yet, there is a part within that for a split second, Is blinded by a flash of lightening insight.
Something somewhere aligns with something else and there is almost a perceptible “click” as two pieces come together in a union most satisfying.
It’s strange how we can perceive something while in the perfect darkness. Our perceptions of it change based on where we are in reference to its position. We strain the limits of our perception as we attempt to ascertain what it is, its size, shape, or texture. The feelings that are evoked within our hearts can ring out in harmonic sympathy to it, like sonar. We know that it is there, but we are forced to continually ping for it, reaching to match perception with understanding. We do this until quite unexpectedly we stumble across it for a millisecond, and are at once blinded by its brilliance.
If we are not careful to stop quickly enough, we will lose it, and its mystery will haunt us long thereafter.

Such is the apparent mechanism describing my Spiritual safari. As I continue to evolve, I have recognized patterns not only in the way that I discover information, but also in the way that I am somehow subconsciously aware of HOW and WHEN to self trigger such a discovery. I have become aware, for example, by no means I am able to adequately understand for the purpose of description, able to discover a film, or a book, or and experience, which I will somehow knowingly set aside, sometimes for months, until the time is right for me to trigger it. I can tell you that it’s somehow linked to some kind of time scheme, of which I am most assuredly not the author, but that’s about all I can muster for the sake of a description. It is enough however, to reassure myself that my tour through this often bizarre wonderland is in fact a guided one, and not a self directed endeavor.

Tonight I finally popped the cork on one of these interesting little “time capsules”. It was one I had discovered much earlier and set aside for reasons unknown. The name of the film is “Revolver”, and I can only describe it as more of an experience than it resembles a story. Imagine my stunned excitement to realize it was a Luc Besson film…
With any discovery of considerable magnitude there is often created in me a type of anxiety. It is the nature of the beast that anything which might be a considerable piece to the puzzle may have dramatic repercussions regarding my personal model of the Universe, my subjective reality and the inclusive common reality’s and their variants that cluster together. A new discovery of serious proportion can be upsetting because it may bring answers to questions, or, it may just bring bigger more consternating questions. I think that this is what the variable of timing has to contribute to the equation. If the timing of an important puzzle piece is off, it may be inadvertently dismissed. However, when the timing for the release or discovery of new information is appropriate, it can act as a catalyst which stimulates curiosity down a completely new path. There is also a dark side to discovery; the unnamed fear that I have been going in the wrong direction, or that my conclusions are not sound. Sometimes, very rarely, I encounter a condition where a new piece of information is somewhat unsettling because I knew it already, but the emphasis of what I thought I knew was not accented correctly, and new information pushes a definitive emphasis in a whole new way.
Such is the case with the film “Revolver”.
This is a film with a message so big, that it’s really quite amazing that they were able to shoehorn it into such a seemingly unremarkable vehicle for dissemination. It likely should have a warning label on the jacket which states, “Warning: Objects may be closer than they appear, do not view this film alone if you have a history of higher thinking, or have experienced concurrent déjà vu’”. So, if you haven’t seen this film, there is your warning. You’ll want to really prepare yourself for a message, and ensure there is no distraction.
Now. Go take a look.

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