To me! Whoo hoo!
April 2008 marks my being a part of the Austin Warrior community for a year now.
It's been a very tough topsy-turvy freak the hell OUT kinda year, but thanks to the love and support of my fellow Warrior Brothers, it was nothing I couldn't handle.
My deepest thanks and gratitude to the men who reached out a hand to me and invited me into their clan. It has been an honor to be included in a group of men who are dedicated to reaching out in assistance to other men.
As we continue forward in bringing together our dream of the Austin Warrior Training Center, I just wanted to honor you all for the time, energy and LOVE that you have shown me over the last year.
In the coming year, I will continue to work on myself and assist others in ...
"Holding space for the next man"
Ferocious Feline
Long time no see friend. Glad to read you are doing well. Give me a hollar sometime!
Miss ya in game!
Thanks bro!
I'll be back sometime fairly soon. I just have so much going on write now that I haven't been back.
Love ya,
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