

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Lattice of coincidences.....

I remember back when I was much younger that a movie that really struck a chord with me was the movie "Repoman". Mostly tongue in cheek, the story held various seeds of wisdom in it which are only now beginning to really mature and come to fruition in me. In the movie, it brings up the topic of synchronicity and how we all have at one time or another experienced this weird but exciting "lattice of coincidences". Something about how you can just be walking along, minding your own business and then just when you least expect it.....(cue twilight zone theme)
Something happens which reflects what you were thinking of. You see visual confirmation of something that's bubbling up from your deep subconcious mind or spirit. Some quotes from the flick are : "it's all part of a cosmic unconciousness" "I think a lot about these things.....I do my best thinking on the bus. That's why I don't drive, see.....the more you drive?..........the less intelligent you are"

Amusing at first.....but upon closer examination you can expand that kernal of wisdom into a full recognizable state. What is the main difference between what happens to us when we ride the bus verses when we drive a car? Answer: When we ride the bus, we relinquish our desire to control where we are going. We have faith that the bus will take us where we need to go in due time. When we drive, almost nearly the opposite is true. We take an active role in working our will.......over the machine, over the environment, over the other spirits on the road. We delude ourselves about how we are IN control. Once we get behind the wheel, why, we are MASTERS of our own universe eh? It's very hard to listen to the Universe and hear what it is trying to tell US, when we are too busy trying to become it's master....

This is a great model for my life, and I'll wager, most peoples lives. I have to ask myself why it is so important for me to BE..........the master of my own universe. To fully understand that, we must ask ourselves what our unconcious purpose has been at the end of every day. We are all animals living in a concrete jungle. Our unconcious purpose is just to survive. We are all attempting to get our needs met. We all vary in the degree of that particular struggle....but we all struggle with it, make no mistake. I don't care WHO you are. Those who have accumulated enough wealth not to worry about meeting their basic needs...........have created NEW needs that they must struggle to accomodate. I'm quite sure their desire to fulfill these self created needs is just as dire as those trying to meet their basic needs. And so it matter what state of wealth you are in, you are ending the day just trying to get through the concrete jungle in one piece while fighting to meet your needs. "You may find yourself in a beautiful house and you may ask yourself, well?.........How, did I get here"

So okay, we are all trying to be the masters of our universe so that we might have some level of control, some degree of reflection of our will manifested and displayed for us in our respective worlds. ........And then?............and then?...........and then?
Ultimately.....we all are trying to cheat death. Our desire to become master of our universe is nothing more than our own attempts to control the apparent inevitable. We all want a say.
Hell, people contemplating suicide........take them for example. What is it they are REALLY saying? Could they be saying that they want control over their own demise and if they have to instigate their demise in order to have a say about when and how and where it happens.....?
Don't get me wrong.....I don't mean to make light of the topic of someone's extreme distress, but I'm just trying to get it all into perspective.
Opposite Death there is Love, excuse me, I mean Life. ; )

When we love another person, what are we to expect? Of course we desire to see our own love impulse reflected back to us from those we love, but today's lesson brings into sharp focus the error of this way of thinking and being.

What IS love anyway? We all seem terribly convinced that we need it. Most of us appear to languish in pain and loss and despair if we don't feel that we are getting it. But I ask you, do you know love? Ask yourself. "Do I KNOW love?" What does having the love of another really mean? How do I know if I have ENOUGH love? I mean, I need this love stuff, and from the sound of it and the affect I have seen in others who are apparently IN love....surely the stuff must be in very short supply. Surely it must be a priceless commodity, because I cannot BUY love. I can not TRADE for love. I only know that from the inside of my heart and soul that I know that I DESIRE love. I know that I feel unhappy if I feel like I am not getting it.....or ENOUGH of it. Once again, I ask you, do you KNOW love?

What if I were to suggest that LOVE is really the same as LIFE? With LIFE being the same as ENERGY? Surely we all have had at least one point in our lives where we can recognise the smell taste and feel of this love stuff? Given that it's so precious, so hard to get and once you've got it, then you have to worry about keeping it, right? Guarding it? Hording it? Do we do that?
My answer is yes, we do. Love is lifeforce. Life energy. We all get and store as much of it as we possibly can. Most of our lives are like this giant easter egg hunt where we aren't content to find a single egg. We must find ALL the eggs. We must have more eggs than ANYONE ELSE! So it seems to be about love.

And now for something completely...............confusing?

What if I were to tell you that there is really ONLY ONE WAY to get, and keep love?
I'm sure you all know the answer already. I'm serious. You do. You just may not recognise that you know it. The answer is, the ONLY way to GET.............AND to give it away. You cannot HOLD ON to love. It doesn't work that way. Love is like a river. It's constantly moving. When you give love to someone tap INTO that river. You divert it THROUGH you on it's way to who you give it to. If you were to hold ON to would not flow and love would stop. Love is the essence of the Divine. It is "The Force" from Star Wars. It is the lifeforce energy of this planet. You don't LOOK for love. You can not. You can only GIVE love. The bit about, "if you love someone then set them free, if they come back to you then they love you, if they don't you never had them in the first place" is totally wrong. When you GIVE love, you are nourished by the giving. That is all you need. ALL the love that is in you that you will ever need is accessed by the GIVING of that love to someone else who needs it. It is THIS LOVE that connects us all. It transcends all religion, it is the only thing we need to do and it is the only thing we really need. Love freely. Feel the Divine. "turn the other cheek", "Love thy enemy", "I'll pray for you"...........this is all the same thing. Give love to all you see who need it, and be nurished by the Divine in the process of giving it.

Maybe that's what John Lennon was trying to tell us? Maybe that's what all the different prophets throughout all the differing religions were trying to tell us?
Love Freely and without looking for reciprocation. It's own reward.
Love Chiron'

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